Tutorial Exercises for WRF-CHEM Version 4.0


It is suggested that you keep open a copy of the WRF-Chem User's Guide when doing the following exercises.

These tutorial exercises focus on the set-up and running of the WRF-Chem model. Each exercise will provide the user with previously constructed emissions data files so that the student can focus on learning the methodology instead of data gathering and processing.

Model questions can be posted here WRF-Chem Forum .

If you are not currently attending a WRF-Chem tutorial and are unfamiliar with compilling the code then consider following the compiling WRF-Chem directions before starting the tutorial exercises.

Exercise 1: Building an initial field that contains dust erosion map and running WRF-Chem.

Purpose: To familiarize the user with the WRF WPS and the methodology for preparing the initial fields for a simulation that includes a dust emissions in a WRF-Chem simulation. The domain is located over the Mediterrainian region.

Go to exercise 1

Exercise 2: Using the the prep_chem tool to conduct volcanic ash simulation.

Purpose: To familiarize the user with the available global volcanic data set. This data set uses a program called "prep_chem_sources" to read the grid location and volcano information and map the eruption data to the user specified simulation domain.

Go to exercise 2

Exercise 3: US Emission

Purpose: In this exercise you can generate anthropogenic emissions for WRF-Chem domain over CONUS in 60km resolution.

Go to exercise 3

Exercise 4: Using the Global emissions data (anthropogenic, sea salt, biomass burning) emissions for your domain (RACM-KPP-GOCART option).

Purpose: To familiarize the user with the available global emissions data set. This data set uses a program called "prep_chem_sources" to read the emissions data and map it to the user specified simulation domain. The program is capable of mapping anthropogenic and biogenic emissions, sea salt as well as biomass burning (wildfire) and volcanic ash emissions to the user domain.

Go to exercise 4

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This page developed by Steven Peckham, maintained and modified by Ka Yee Wong
Model questions can be posted here WRF-Chem Forum .
Last modified: May 2, 2024