Exercise: US Emission

# In this exercise you can generate anthropogenic emissions for WRF-Chem domain over CONUS in 60km resolution.


Here is the emission code you need to run this exercise: Run_emiss04 .

# Check the Fortran programs


# The following lines are from emiss_v04_CONUS60km.F modified for the US60km domain

! Following for WRF-Chem 60 km domain (Polar Stereographic), no nest, continental U.S. (July 2008)

INTEGER :: iproj = 1

REAL :: rekm = 6370.

REAL :: dx = 60.E3

REAL :: dxbigdo = 60.E3

REAL :: xlatc = 45.00

REAL :: xlonc = -97.00

REAL :: clat1 = 45.00

REAL :: clat2 = 33.00

INTEGER :: inest1 = 0

REAL :: xnesstr = 1.00

REAL :: ynesstr = 1.00

INTEGER :: il = 81

INTEGER :: jl = 51

INTEGER :: starthr = 01

INTEGER :: maxhr = 24

INTEGER :: endhr


Here is the emission data you need to run this exercise: NEI_input .

# Extract the em11v1_file1.tar and em11v1_file2.tar and name the directory "NEI_input" and update the "NEI_input" path in emiss_v04_CONUS60km.F

DATA POINDIR /'/{your_path}/NEI_input/point/' /

DATA AREADIR /'/{your_path}/NEI_input/' /

# This program needs to be compiled using the following command

# ifort -FR -convert big_endian emiss_v04_CONUS60km.F


# Since running emiss_v04_CONUS60km.exe takes long time to complete, users don't want to generate binary files for the US60km domain. These files are already provided in: NEI11_processed.


# The wrfem* files are binary, we need to convert them to netcdf format so WRF-Chem can read them

###### This part of the exercise uses runs convert_emiss to generate anthropogenic emission files in netcdf format#####

Go to your WRF run directory where the convert_emiss.exe located and run the following commands

ln -sf ${your_path}/NEI11_processed/wrfem_00to12Z wrfem_00to12z_d01

ln -sf ${your_path}/NEI11_processed/wrfem_12to24Z wrfem_12to24z_d01

Here is the input data and namelist.input file: input data and namelist .

ln -sf ${your_path}/Input_files/wrfinput_d01_00Z wrfinput_d01

# Modify the namelist.input file

# set the start_hour and end_hour to 00 and 11 respectively.

# Set run_hours to 12

# Set emiss_opt to 3, kemit=20 (number of vertical levels for the emissions!) # # #

# Run

nohup mpirun -np 8 ./convert_emiss.exe &

# After the run is complete, check the log files:

tail rsl.error.0000

# Make sure it ends with this statement:



# Now generate the emissions for next 12 hours

# We need wrfinput file for 12Z

ln -sf ${your_path}/Input_files/wrfinput_d01_12Z wrfinput_d01

# In the namelist set the start_hour and end_hour to 12 and 23 respectively.

# Run

nohup mpirun -np 8 ./convert_emiss.exe &

# Check the log and both wrfchemi* files

# e.g. ncview wrfchemi_00z_d01

# Check the Times in both emission files:

ncdump -v Times wrfchemi_*

# Examine the anthropogenic emissions from the EPA NEI-2011 inventory for different species- their magnitude, spatial distribution and diurnal cycle for this domain

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