WRF-CHEM 2017 Tutorial Presentations

Lectures Presented at the 2017 Winter WRF-Chem Tutorial

Overview of WRF-Chem
A Quick Review Of How To Set-Up & Run WRF-Chem 3.8.1
Best Practices for Applying WRF-Chem 3.8.1
Introduction to Photolysis
Biogenic, wildfire and lightning emissions in WRF-Chem
Dust options in WRF-Chem
Anthropogenic emissions and gas chemistry mechanisms in WRF-Chem
Aerosols in WRF-Chem
Aerosols-Radiation-Microphysics interactions in WRF-Chem
Introduction to chemical data assimilation

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This page developed by Ka Yee Wong
Any questions for the tutorial should be directed to WRF-Chem help.
Last modified: Nov 29, 2017