WRF-Chem Forum

A New Forum for the WRF-Chem User Community:


Interested users can submit their questions to the forum via the provided link.

No account is needed to browse the forum, but in order to post a new topic or a reply, it will be necessary to create an account - which should only take a minute, and involves simply choosing a username and password.

The forum is divided into primary topics and subtopics. Please take care to read the introduction and to post to the correct subtopic. At the bottom of the main forum page, you will also find places to post job/position announcements, conference announcements, and to provide forum feedback.

Scoll down the forum page and look for the WRF-Chem Support for different topics: Emissions, Gas Chemistry and KPP, Aerosols, and Chemistry-meteorology Interactions.

This page developed and maintained by Ka Yee Wong
Model questions can be posted here WRF-Chem Forum .
Last modified: May 2, 2024

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