Advancements in the
AMDAR Humidity Sensing presentation by Axel Hoff (Deutscher
Wetterdienst / German MeteorologicalService) at at WMO TECO 2010,
August 31, 2010, in Helsinki, Finland.
RAP-AMDAR statistics
validated against 1-h forecasts from the Rapid Refresh
model (which covers all of North America). Summary
and interactive statistics for data more than 48 hours old are
available to all; plan-view of RAP-AMDAR differences are
restricted to those with access to real-time aircraft data.
GFS-AMDAR statistics
validated against 3-h forecasts from the operational GFS model
(which covers the entire world). Summary and interactive
statistics for data more than 48 hours old are available to all;
plan-view of GFS-AMDAR differences are
restricted to those with access to real-time aircraft data.
Full AMDAR data display (restricted to NOAA and certain
other sites) If this restricted site is
not letting you in, and you believe it should, follow this link to
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