AMDAR-GFS Statistics

Statistics for worldwide AMDAR data compared with 3-h forecasts from the Global Forecast System (GFS).

All AMDAR data within +/- 60 minutes of the valid time of a GFS 3-h forecast are compared against forecast values interpolated to the location of the aircraft.

Valid times used for comparison are 3, 9, 15, 21 UTC.

These data have been incorrect since the number of isobaric levels increased to 31 levels. But were fixed starting 1/3/2017.

Sortable 7 day statistics for all AMDAR reporting more than 200 times in the last 7 days, world wide.

Interactive Time Series' for any aircraft by GSD ID number. (For data more than 48 hours old.)

Plan view (world-wide) (restricted to real-time AMDAR viewers)

Prepared by Bill Moninger,
Last modified: Wed Jan 4 21:07:09 GMT 2017