Exercise 6: Using smoke tracers with a WRF-Chem run over Southeastern Asia


Purpose: To familiarize the user with the using smoke tracers WRF simulation.


  1. Save the wrf output data file from any previous exercise by moving it to a file with a different name.

    mv wrfout_d01_2012-09-16_00:00:00 wrfout_d01_2012-09-16_save

  2. Save the wrf input and boundar data files from any previous exercise by copying them to a file with a different name.

    cp wrfinput_d01 wrfinput_d01_save

    cp wrfbdy_d01 wrfinbdy_d01_save

  3. If necessary, edit the module_input_tracer_data.F module inside the WRFV3/chem directory. This module is used to define the smoke tracers lateral boundary values. Look for "tr_smoke_values" which is the parameter that defines the tracer smoke value and set it to your desired background level. The default value in the release code is .08, but a value of 0. would be better for this tutorial exercise. Change the value of tr_smoke_value to zero and recompile WRF-Chem to apply the new parameter setting.

    REAL, PARAMETER:: tr_smoke_value=.0

  4. Next, inside the chem directory is the program module_add_emiss_burn.F. The module_add_emiss_burn.F subroutine is used to set the smoke emissions input array and smoke tracers input values. Look for the "temiss_select" case statement for tracer_opt in the module. Here the CO biomass burning emissions (ebu_co) from the biomass burning structure (ebu) are used to provide the smoke emissions input. A user could define a different source for the smoke tracer by modifying chemistry values inside the do loop.

    temiss_select: SELECT CASE(tracer_opt)



    ! for smoke only


    do j=jts,jte

    do i=its,ite

    do k=kts,kte


    chem(i,k,j,p_smoke) = chem(i,k,j,p_smoke)+ebu(i,k,j,p_ebu_co)*conv_rho




  5. To run WRF-Chem with smoke tracers, set the tracer_opt in the dynamics section of the namelist.input file

    tracer_opt = 1,

  6. Run real.exe for seven days to include dust (dust_opt=401) and smoke tracers (tracer_opt = 1). Since the smoke tracer input comes from the biomass burning data, be sure to have the auxiliary input port turned on as well (io_form_auxinput7 = 2) and a wrffirechemi_d01 data file in the WRFV3/test/em_real directory.

  7. Run wrf.exe for seven days with dust (dust_opt=401) and smoke tracers (tracer_opt = 1).

    Examine the model results and look at the value of the smoke array.

This concludes WRF-Chem Southeastern Asia domain tutorial exercise 6

To compare solutions, download desired files from here.

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