Change Details - Hourly Model Visibility Statistics

14-Dec-2017 (beta and production)

28-Nov-2017 (production and beta, on new server)
Queries for PODy/n and FAR were incorrect and have been fixed. Routine(s) changed: get_vis_stats.cgi.

21-Feb-2017 (production and beta)
Added 10-mile visibility category. Routine(s) changed:

26-July-2016 (production and beta)
Added 2h persistence forecasts. Routine(s) changed: on jet:

28-Sept-2015 (beta)

16-July-2015 (beta)
Added options to look at the verification statistics out on 3-hourly intervals out to 30 hours. Done in response to the RAP and HRRR forecast lengths being extended. Routine(s) changed: CurveParameters.

10-April-2013 (beta)
  • Many changes to make this consistent with the other statistics displays. Added difference curves and the text/statistics window, reformated the display. Also, set the model text field to editable so you can directly enter your favorite model. Also, the time window defaults to 7 days. Routines changed: get_vis_stats.cgi, DisplayFrame, SimpleLine2, CurvesControl, StatsDisplay, CurveParameters.
  • Added several models now processed on zeus, including HRRR_dev{1,2}, RAP_dev{1,2,3}, Dev13z. (Some of these are not running currently.)

5-Jan-2012 (beta)
The upper limit of the drop-down box for years now updates automatically to the current year +1. Routine changed: CurvesControl, lib.JYearBox.

26-Sep-2011 (beta)
Added RR1h_dev2 model.

26-May-2011 (beta and production)
Updated processing to look at multiple hours of model forecasts each hour. This way, hours that are missed due to db load or late model runs are more likely to be included. Also, added an additional hourly run of ' -6' to catch late-arriving obs (or compensate for otherwise failed runs) Routine(s) changed: (on jet:~amb-verif/visibility/beta/),

Prepared by Bill Moninger,
Last modified: Mon Dec 18 19:59:37 UTC 2017