Anomaly Correlation Statistics Change Details

29-Sept-2017 (beta and production)

28-Aug-2016 (beta and production)
New out-of-browser version of the java display (GSD.AC_stats.jnlp) is now available and linked from the display. Even in browsers that don't run java applets, the link to this file below the (possibly absent) java applet allows the display to be run outside of your browser. Depending on your operating system, you may need to download this file and then click (or double-click) it to run it. On macs, you may need to right-click on the downloaded file to force it to run even though it's from an "unidentified developer".
(Routine StatsDisplay was upgraded to set the default time window to the past month whenever optional date parameters (available in the browser-based display) are not present.)

25-May-2016 (production)
All beta changes moved to production

3-May-2016 (beta)
Added the number of runs to the text output, and removed the misleading statistical summary in the text output for the dieoff curves.

5-Oct-2015 (beta)
Background lines are now light gray; sig digits on the ordinate default to 1; time axis shows 4 digit years, legend text can now be changed by clicking on the legend; x and y axes can be changed by double-clicking on them. Routine(s) changed: DisplayFrame. (Also, gov.noaa.pmel.sgt.SGLabel changed to default to if no color is specified--but this didn't change the behavior of this particular applet.

8-Sept-2015 (production and beta)
'Plot Pairwise' option corrected. It accidently always compared each curve with the first. Routine(s) changed: getStats.cgi

11-May-2015 (production)
All beta changes moved to production.

7-May-2015 (beta)
We now use 'reasonable' values when the axes are scaled and rescaled. Also, increased the widening of error boxes with each different curve so they're easier to distinguish. Routine(s) changed: (uses calls to gov.noaa.pmel.sgt.Graph.computeRange).

23-March-2015 (production)
All beta changes moved to production

7-Feb-2015 (beta)

21-Jan-2015 (production)
All beta changes moved to production

5-Jan-2011 (beta)
The drop-down list for years now updates automatically to include the current year +1. Routine(s) changed: CurvesControl, lib.JYearBox.

2-Nov-2010 (beta)
Got rid of html text in buttons, because the latest update of java seems to not support them. Also, changed the default to not showing difference curves. Routines changed: CurvesControl.

5-Mar-2010 (beta)

3-Oct-2009 (beta)
Default dates now default to the past 30 days. Routines changed: CurvesControl, StatsDisplay.

22-Sep-2009 (beta)
Added the ability to select dates, and a text window that shows numerical values plus statistics for each curve. For curves with missing data, the mean, sd and number of points are shown; for curves with no missing data, the standard error, autocorrelation at lag 1, and the min and max are also shown. Routines changed: CurvesControl, DisplayFrame, StatsDisplay, getStats.cgi.

24-November-2008 (beta)
Added FIM430 to Welcome.html

12-November-2008 (beta)
Added FIM378L64-SHAL to Welcome.html

10-November-2008 (beta)
Added FIMretro-378L64 to model option
Changed "height" to "HGT" in
Changed getStats.cgi to look for "HGT" instead of "height"
Changed Welcome.html to use anom5.jar

20-October-2008 (beta)
Added FIMretro-378 to model option
Added UGRD and VGRD to variable option

??-October-2008 (beta)
Added 12,36,60,84,108,132,156 to projection

1-July-2008 (production and beta)
Fixed to allow time series for only 0Z or 12Z runs. Routines changed: getStats.cgi.

16-June-2008 (production and beta)
Implemented new regions, to be consistent with the model-RAOB database. Also added region names, rather then numbers, on the output plots. Routines changed: CurveParameters, DisplayFrame, getStats.cgi.

2-May-2008 (beta)
Started this, based on

Last modified: Wed Nov 29 23:43:31 GMT 2017