Quasi-Operational Weather Data via the Web: Implementation and Issues

Presentation by William Moninger of NOAA's Forecast Systems Laboratory at NOAATech 2000 October 19 - 21, 1999, Silver Spring, MD

Two FSL efforts

FSL's mission is to develop new techniques to improve operational weather forecasting.

 Two efforts to discuss today:

RUC - the Rapid Update Cycle

RUC operations are traditional

The RUC data are distributed just as they might have been 20 years ago: over dedicated leased lines, to special-purpose computers.

These workstations can't even access the internet, because of security concerns

FSL website

FSL maintains a RUC website (called MAPS at FSL)

Sept. 27, 1999 - Fire destroys NCEP's large CRAY

Operational RUC runs ceased, lower-resolution backup runs started quickly at NCEP.

Although forecasters could have accessed full model results from FSL over the web, they did not.

Nonetheless, the internet and web were crucial

NCEP and FSL had been laying the groundwork to establish full-resolution backup runs at FSL, so some infrastructure was already in place.

The FSL ACARS display

This interactive web page shows over 50K weather observations per day from commercial aircraft. The site is at http://acweb.fsl.noaa.gov/ (available to all NOAA sites) 

The ACARS/RAOB Assessment

Plusses and Minuses of web-centric applications


