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Message: RUC backup at FSL now running fully

Posted by Stan Benjamin on 1 Oct 99, 15:42 MT

As of 19z today, the RUC grids from the FSL backup are being sent out to the OSO server and the other NCEP distributions. The timing is not too bad, with analysis grids available by 35-40 min after the hour (except at 00z and 12z, as before). There are 4 of the 5 normally available types of RUC files: 25-mb isobaric main (40km), surface (40km), native (40km), and AWIPS 211 (80 km). The RUC BUFR soundings are not yet available on the OSO server, but we will likely add these next week.

The FSL RUC web page ( http://maps.fsl.noaa.gov) has been modified to display grids from the backup RUC. (The product maker is still catching a bit right now.) There is also a summary of differences between the RUC backup and the NCEP RUC at http://maps.fsl.noaa.gov/rucbackup_diff.html.

NCEP, OSO, and FSL have all put in considerable effort for this "fire drill". We all hope that users will get what they need, and we will all work to resolve any remaining problems, but right this minute, the horizon is clear.

Stan Benjamin


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